embodiment of nostalgia

Spring 2022, in partnership with Lauren Rueb

Curious about the relationship between the body and emotion, the film aims to explore physical sensations brought to an individual while experiencing states of nostalgia. Nostalgia could be seen to be an emotional experience a person has towards a personal or collective memory, a longing for something that has since passed. The personal quality of nostalgia could begin to broaden what is accepted as heritage. Embodiment of Nostalgia’s overall analog, film-like appearance references a collective sense of memory and heritage, though its contents focus on that of an individual. Heritage, in connection to memory and nostalgia, is thus evaluated at a microscale, as a personal experience.

The film was made using four main components: a person (the subject), a projector, an animation, and sound. By keeping the visual representations of the feeling of nostalgia simple and vague, the film intends to depict physical experience in way that remains open-ended. While it is designed towards the subject’s unique state of nostalgia, the film’s goal is to create images to which any viewer could relate. This relatability could encourage viewers to contemplate their unique relationship to the embodied feeling of nostalgia, and therefore see heritage as something personal.

Directed, filmed and edited by David Moraru

Soundscape by Lauren Rueb

Starring Lauren Rueb


Passion Project